It was difficult for me to choose a book about foods, but finally I bought an enjoyable-looking essay on the Internet.
I was interested in it because it was the book about Japanese food written by a foreigner.
First of all, let me tell about the book and its author.
The title is "Sushi and Beyond-What the Japanese Know about Cooking" and written by Michael Booth. He is british travel writer and journalist. He was influenced by a Japanese cooking book, the title is "A Simple Art", and he wanted to know about Japanese cuisine. So he visited Japan and investigated the state of Japanese food today, to learn about their techniques and ingredients.
It was very enjoyable for me to read the first section of the book. Particularly, I enjoyed reading a scene which he described unique Japanese foods, for example, konnyaku. He wrote that connnyaku was a dense, gelatinous, dark brown to hazy grey cake. I thought foreigners had different points of view for Japanese food, so his expressions was very interesting for me.
He thought Japanese foods were very healthy, so Japanese people could live for a long time.
He also seemed to want to get the secret of key to get health of Japanese.
I want to keep reading the book untiringly!